Commercial Loan Application
Subject Property Address:
Verifiable assets (checking/savings/401k/etc): $
Most recent listing date if refi:
List Price: $
Estimated mid FICO score:
Example :
Property Address: 120 45th St, NY, NY 10036 Type¹: PVRLCIBiz
Square Footage²: 25,000 SqFt Year Acquired: June 1996
Purchase Price: $150,000 Current Value: $350,000
Current Debt: $150,000 Lien Holder(s): Wells Fargo
Property Owner(s): John and Jane Smith Occupancy³: OTB
# of Parcels: 1 # of Units: 2
1st Schedule
Types of code
P-Primary V-Vacation Home R-Rental Property L-Land C-Commercial Property I-Industrial Biz - Business Location